Welcome to gravpy’s documentation!

Gravpy is a sandbox for gravitational wave astrophysics: it’s not intended to be used for heavy-weight gravitational wave data analysis, and it started life as a series of iPython notebooks written up while I was reading through papers when I was starting out in my PhD, but it’s started to snowball.

Gravpy is currently capable of plotting sensitivity curves for ground-based interferometers, and for pulsar timing arrays, and their antenna responses. It’s also capable of calculating the spectra of CBC merger events, and making plots of those.

It’s early days and there are lots of other things to be done with the package!

Citing Gravpy


If you use gravpy for a publication please consider citing it. The code is archived on Zenodo, and has a DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3938485.

The bibtex entry for gravpy is

author       = {Daniel Williams},
title        = {transientlunatic/gravpy},
month        = jul,
year         = 2020,
publisher    = {Zenodo},
version      = {v0.2.4},
doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3938484},
url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3938484}

Developer Guide

If you’d like to be involved in developing or expanding gravpy then you should start by reading the contribution guide.

Indices and tables